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Brian Henson personne

American director, producer, writer, and puppeteer. Brian Henson, son of Jane and Jim Henson, is Chairman of The Jim Henson Company, an award-winning television and film director

A Tarumba – Teatro de Marionetas organisation

Portuguese puppet company. The theatre was created in 1993, under the artistic direction of Luís Vieira, by a group of theatre, film, sculpture and art historian professionals who wished to bring puppet theatre back to life in Portugal

Boris Ablynin personne

Russian puppet theatre director, active in the 1960s and 1970s, representative of what is known as the “third type theatre” between drama theatre and puppetry

Filippo Acciaiuoli personne

Italian playwright, composer, librettist, theatre manager, machine designer and poet. Scion of a noble Florentine family, Filippo Acciaiuoli applied his great talent, enriched by the study of mathematics and by extensive travels

Nevzat Açıkgöz personne

Puppeter of Turkish shadow theatre puppetry, actor, conjurer-magician, and clown. Nevzat Açıkgöz was trained by his father, shadow puppeteer Irfan Açıkgöz (Hayali Camcı Irfan)

Actor and Puppet thematique

To the actor’s incarnation of the theatrical character, the puppet adds another layer of fiction – that of making an object animate. When misunderstood this has led certain theoreticians of the theatre to exclude puppetry from the field of dramatic arts

Juan Enrique Acuña personne

Argentine puppeteer. After having discovered the puppets of Javier Villafañe, Juan Enrique Acuña formed his own puppet group in 1944, and named it the Los Títeres del Verdegay

Aesthetics of the Puppet – Asian thematique

Aesthetic Ideas on Puppetry in Asia

Written texts on Asian puppetry are limited prior to the 20th century. Major texts – like Sanskrit drama’s Natya Sastra (Treatise on Dance Drama)

Aesthetics of the Puppet – European Romanticism to the Avant-Garde thematique

The art of the puppet has expressed itself in many ways, but we can extract, from this multiplicity of forms, two fundamental categories. The fist belongs to the “vulgar” world and often superimposes itself on the glove puppet family

Africa aire-geographique

The arts of puppetry have been practised in Africa for a very long time, probably for centuries. Accessible documentation began at the beginning of the 19th century

Rein Agur personne

Estonian director. Rein Agur was one of the leading personalities after World War II of the Estonian puppet theatre world. As a representative of the bourgeoisie (born into a family of teachers)

Asghar Ahmadi personne

Iranian master puppeteer of traditional string puppetry, kheimeh shab bazi. Asghar Ahmadi was one of the last traditionally trained Iranian marionette performers

Théâtre Al Botroûle organisation

Belgian theatre located in Liège, founded in 1972 by Françoise and Jacques Ancion. After practising various forms of animation with writers and visual artists from 1960 and manipulating all types of puppets

Pierre Albert-Birot personne

French poet. Pierre Albert-Birot devoted an important part of his theatrical activity to the exploration of puppetry due to his childhood memories of having created puppet plays with his cousins in Angoulême

Rafael Alberti personne

Spanish writer and poet, whose dramatic work includes pieces written for puppet theatre. These can be divided into two parts. The first part is in a “colourist” and musical style

Alexander the Great personnage

Greek shadow puppet theatre character. Alexander the Great appeared in the karaghiozis (Modern Greek: Καραγκιόζης) at the end of the 19th century

Állami Bábszínház organisation

Hungarian puppet theatre founded in September 1949 in Budapest by the Mesebarlang troupe (Cave of Tales). In the era of State-owned theatres, and in contrast to most other communist countries until 1989

Ana María Allendes Ossa personne

Chilean actress and puppeteer. Ana María Allendes is an actress and has a rich experience in all the fields of performing arts. Attracted at an early age by the art of puppetry

Alojzy Smolka Puppet and Actor Theatre of Opole organisation

Polish puppet theatre established in 1937 in the Polish community of Opole (today in southern Poland) by Alojzy Smolka, its first managing director. The theatre’s members and artists were deported to concentration camps at the outbreak of war in 1939

Clara Altamirano de Gonzáles and Jaime González Portal personne

Bolivian puppeteers. Clara Altamirano de González (Quito, Ecuador, 1937) had her theatre début at the age of eight years in Ecuador, with two great authors of Spanish origin

Clara Altamirano de González personne

See Jaime González Portal and Clara Altamirano de Gonzáles and Jaime González Portal.

Héctor Alvárez d’Abórmida personne

Argentine puppeteer. After studying at the workshop of dramatic art at the Instituto Nacional de Estudios del Teatro (National Institute of Theatrical Studies), Héctor Alvárez d’Abórmida founded in 1949 the company Las Dos Carátulas (The Two Masks)

Compañía Teatro de Títeres Amano organisation

Panamanian puppet company founded in 1997 by Salomón Vergara, with Adriana Sautu as a creative contributor. Amano began by performing at children’s festivals. After researching and studying puppets

Ana María Amaral personne

Brazilian puppeteer, professor, researcher. Originally a librarian and a poet, Ana María Amaral, native of São Paulo, lived in New York (1959-1974) where she discovered Bread and Puppet Theater

American Museum of Natural History organisation

American museum based in New York City. The American Museum of Natural History has had puppets in its collection since it opened in 1896. There are currently over 3,000 puppets

Théâtre Les Amis de Chiffon organisation

Company founded in 1974 in Alma, Lac Saint-Jean, a region of the Province of Quebec in Canada. The company’s mission is to promote the art of puppetry through research

Amoros et Augustin organisation

Company founded in 1976, in Alsace, by Luc Amoros (Oran, Algeria, 1956) and Michèle Augustin (Strasbourg, France, 1956). In all its productions, the Amoros and Augustin Company creates a unique language based on moving images and live music

Meg Amsden personne

British puppeteer, environmental artist, designer, maker, performer, workshop leader. Meg Amsden has worked in educational theatre, dance, puppetry and film since 1975. Trained as a Laban Guild Recreational Dance Leader

Metin And personne

Turkish author and scholar of puppet theatre. After recieving a degree in law (Istanbul, 1950), Metin And studied in England for his MA, becoming interested in the arts

Anton Anderle personne

Traditional Slovak puppeteer. Anton Anderle came from a family of itinerant puppeteers who started performing in 1919. His grandparents, Eva and Michal Václav, collaborated closely with the leading family of Slovak puppeteers the Stražans (see Stražan (family))

Viktor Andreevich Afanasiev personne

Ukrainian director, actor, and educator, People’s Artist of the Ukrainian Republic. For the Ukrainian puppet theatre, Viktor Afanasiev was as significant a figure as Sergei Obraztsov and Mikhail Korolev were for the Russian

Angola aire-geographique

A Portuguese overseas province for five hundred years, the Republic of Angola (Portuguese: República de Angola; Kikongo, Kimbundu and Umbundu: Repubilika ya Ngola) whose citizens are largely Bantu peoples – including the Kimbundu

Teatrul de Animaţie Ciufulici organisation

Romanian puppet theatre established in the city of Ploieşti in 1953 as Teatrul de păpuşi Ciufulici (Ciufulici Puppet Theatre) within the city theatre (Teatrul de Stat Ploieşti)

Animation thematique

Animation cinema is a special technique of making movies shot frame by frame, or stop motion. The majority of animation is made by drawings or photographs

Centro de Teatro de Títeres y Cultura Antarita organisation

Peruvian puppet theatre. Established in 1976 in Huacho under the leadership of Mario Enrique Herrera Asín and with the participation of four puppeteer artists, the Centro de Teatro de Títeres y Cultura “Antarita” (Antarita Centre for Puppet Theatre and Culture) works primarily with glove puppets

Robert Anton personne

American puppeteer. Robert Anton studied scenic design at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh which led to his interest in making miniature sets from which emanated a strange and deeply personal atmosphere

Teatro Antonin Artaud organisation

Swiss company created in Lugano (Italian Switzerland) in 1969 by Michel and Michèle Poletti. The couple had been involved with puppets since 1964. Michel (b.1943) had studied theatre

Museo Internazionale delle Marionette Antonio Pasqualino (Palermo) organisation

Italian puppetry museum. The museum was founded in Palermo, Sicily, in 1975 as the Museo Internazionale delle Marionette by the Associazione per la Conservazione delle Tradizioni Popolari (Association for the Conservation of Popular Traditions) which itself had been set up by Antonio Pasqualino

Apel family personne

Dynasty of German puppeteers who worked in Dresden during the 19th and 20th centuries. The German Albert Apel (?, 1847-c.1906) founded in 1878 the Apelsche Marionettentheater (Apel’s String Puppet Theatre)

Álvaro Apocalypse personne

Brazilian puppeteer, Álvaro Apocalypse dedicated his whole life to artistic creation and especially distinguished himself in puppet theatre. He studied visual arts at the Escola Guignard (Guignard School) in Belo Horizonte

Gabriel Apostol personne

Romanian puppeteer. Gabriel Apostol graduated from the Puppetry Department of UNATC (Universitatea Naţională de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică National University of Theatre Arts and Cinematography) in 1994

Vassil Apostolov personne

Bulgarian director and theatre manager. Vassil Apostolov trained at the national theatre and film academy (VITIZ/NAFTIZ); today, Natsionalna akademia za teatralni i filmovi izkustva (NATFA)

Aragoz personnage

Egyptian glove puppet character. With the head made of wood, large dark eyes enhanced with kohl, a moustache painted on the face, red clothing

Aran Puppet Theater Group personne

Iranian company, founded by Behrooz Gharibpour, producing puppet operas. Before creating Aran Puppet Theatre group, Behrooz Gharibpour formed Iran Kheimeh Shab Bazi Group to revive kheimeh shab bazi with both traditional and modern-educated puppeteers

D’Arc’s Marionettes organisation

British string puppet company of the second half of the 19th century whose proprietor was Lambert D’Arc (1824-1893), who also owned an exhibition of waxwork figures

Algeria aire-geographique

The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (Arabic: الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية; Berber: Tagduda Tadzayrit Tugduyant Tagherfant; French: Algérie; République algérienne démocratique et populaire) is a country in North Africa on the Mediterranean coast

Argentina aire-geographique

The Argentine Republic (Spanish: República Argentina) is located in south-eastern South America with neighbouring countries Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay

Giuseppe Argento personne

Italian puppeteer. Giuseppe Argento was the son of “Cecé” Argento, who had himself been the pupil of Giovanni Pernice. Don Cecé had started his own business around 1890 and had travelled through many towns and villages in the Province of Palermo before establishing himself in Pernice’s theatre after the latter’s death (Corso Scinà on the ground floor of the Lo Monaco Sgaderi palazzo)

Kiriakos Argyropoulos personne

Bulgarian director and puppet theatre manager. Kiriakos Argyropoulos is a graduate of the Natsionalna akademia za teatralni i filmovi izkustva (NATFA), (National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts) of the class of Professor Atanas Ilkov

Arjuna personnage

Key personality in the epic Mahabharata, therefore important in the puppet and shadow theatres of India and in South East Asia