Paraguayan puppet theatre created in 1979 by Erenia López in Asunción. Initially, the troupe was made up of actors like Mauri de Bruzzone and Jorge Arévalos, and presented shows for children and adults. In 1986, the troupe was endowed with a workshop where it could teach theatre to children and teens: body expression, comedy, puppet manipulation, improvisation and other theatrical disciplines. Among the Piri Teatro shows that have toured the country are Una hora al revés (An Hour Back), Piricuentos, La fiesta de los muñecos (The Puppet Fiesta) by Carlos Reyes.
Cuentos de mi pueblo (Tales of My People), by Erenia López, is composed of two typical stories of the indigenous Guaraní culture, “Chake Pora” (Beware of Ghosts) and “Ka’i”, a work for puppets based on Paraguayan traditional tales.
(See Paraguay.)