Chilean children’s theatre and puppet company established in 1961 by Lientur Nahuel and Rojas Serrano. Pirimpilo was first established in Santiago before moving to Concepción. For over forty years, the company presented a wide repertoire with glove puppets, rod puppets, marottes, mixed techniques, while experimenting ceaselessly. The company is composed of twelve actors and puppeteers.
Among its recent productions are: Los contaminadores (The Contaminators, 1994), a musical comedy with glove puppets; Prueba para valientes (Test for the Brave, 1995); Ulises al Titirimundo (Ulysses in the Country of Puppets, 1994), a free adaptation of the work of playwright Jorge Díaz.
The company, which has also published three works on puppet theatre, holds classes for children and adolescents, for educationists and teachers as well as for professional puppeteers.
(See Chile.)