Romanian puppet theatre designer and sculptor. Graduate from the Institutul de Arte Plastice Cluj-Napoca, secţia sculptură (Department of Sculpture of the Cluj-Napoca Institute of Fine Arts), Dan Frăticiu began his professional career in 1980 at Teatrul de păpuşi Gong (Gong Theatre), today, Teatrul Pentru Copii și Tineret Gong) of Sibiu as a sculptor and later as a set and puppet theatre designer. From 1990 to 1993, he was the Artistic Director of the Gong Theatre.

Highly regarded for the originality and expressiveness of his stage work, he designed many productions, among them: Pieckeltiek (1984); Cazul Pinocchio (The Pinocchio Case, 1986); Furtuna (The Tempest), at Elpis Puppet Theatre in Constanţa (see Teatrul pentru copii și tineret Constanța), 1987 and 1996; Svejk, at Ţăndărică Puppet Theatre (today, Teatrul de animaţie Ţăndărică). Most of these productions were directed by Ildikó Kovács.

Dan Frăticiu began directing in 1987 with Piticul uriaș (The Giant Dwarf, 1987) in Sibiu and Luceafărul (The Evening Star, 1988) in Botoşani (Teatrul de păpuşi Vasilache, Vasilache Puppet Theatre).   

Considered one of the most important puppet theatre designers of his generation, his work has been honoured with the ATM (Asociația Oamenilor de Teatru și Muzică Association of Theatre and Music Artists) in 1988. He has participated in the International Bronze Sculpture Biennale organized by the Dante Centre in Ravenna, Italy. From 1981 to 1987, Dan Frăticiu designed the productions of Purga Teatro and Cele trei neveste ale lui Don Cristobal (The Three Wives of Don Cristobal).

(See Romania.)