Puerto Rican puppet company. Founded in San Juan in 1978, El Mundo de los Muñecos (The World of Puppets) is directed by actor and puppeteer, Rafael Antonio Ortiz. From its inception, the company was extremely active throughout the territory and made several tours in the United States of America. Their Muppet-style performances, with glove and rod puppets but also with Sicilian pupi and Chinese shadows, addresses children and their families in a clear and direct language.

The company adapts literary classics and popular stories to contemporary contexts, different dialects, and different island customs. La Caperucita Roja (Little Red Riding Hood) and La Cenicienta (Cinderella) by Charles Perrault, Los fantasmas (Ghosts), Los tres pelos del Diablo (The Three Hairs of the Devil), Los tres cerditos (The Three Little Pigs), Pinocho (Pinocchio), a free adaptation of the Carlo Collodi book, Los tres deseos (The Three Wishes), and Pepito Palito are among the company’s productions.

(See Puerto Rico.)