Bulgarian playwright and screenwriter. A graduate of Medicine and Bibliography, Rada Moskova’s professional career began with a series of plays for young audiences (The Country Called Do-Whatever-You-Wish, Adventures in the Attic, and others) for the Mladejki Teatur (Youth Theatre) in Sofia. She was dramaturge of the Stolichen kuklen teatur (Sofia Central Puppet Theatre) for many years and authored the puppet plays Kose Bose (Kose Bose), Kude otivash, Konche (Where Are You Going, Pony), Sloncho (The Elephant), and many others.

Author of many plays for drama theatre, Rada Moskova is also well known for her film scripts, among the most popular are Kuche v chekmedge (Dog in a Drawer) and Tony.

She is the recipient of honorary titles and awards from national puppet theatre competitions, including at the Golden Dolphin Festival, and was honoured for the film, Razgovor s ptitsi (Conversation with Birds), with the Liv Ullmann award (Chicago, USA, 1998).

(See Bulgaria.)