Belgian company. Founded in 1965 in Namur stemming from a meeting between Paul Denheux (Namur, 1934-2001) and Hubert Roman (Namur, 1937-2010). Théâtre des Zygomars received an endorsement from the Namur Province which led to a decree recognizing the specific nature and applicability of the art of puppetry in schools starting from 1970. Far from the beginnings of Coco Labille, the Zygomars became one of the most important troupes, performing Six Contes et des Pois (Six Tales and Peas), Le Chat perché (The Perched Cat), Babelilou, La Pipe à Bulles (The Bubble Pipe), Pititchip et Patacoin, among other works.

The Zygomars were also the first troupe to integrate the practices of Central and Eastern European theatre. Thus, in 1983, for Hubert Roman’s Où sont les Nutons d’Antan? (Where are the Nutons of Yesteryear?), the troupe received assistance from the theatre Ţăndărică of Bucharest, Romania. In 1991, a further collaboration with Frédéric Latin engendered La Répétition ou le Royaume de la Mer (The Rehearsal or the Kingdom of the Sea), based on Shakespeare’s King Lear, and Le Pays perdu (The Lost Country). In general, the themes and artistic notions and theories are based on European heritage.

Since 2001, the company has been directed by Pierre-Jean Lacroix (b.1956), with new partners, among them Yves Coumans for Eléfantino and Gepetto (by Carl Narec). Théâtre des Zygomars offers internships and workshops for both children and adults.

(See Belgium.)