Argentine puppet company established in 1973 in Caracas (Venezuela) by three Argentine artists, Carlos Martínez, Carlos Converso, and María Esther Rosso. The company debuted in 1974 with children’s works by Javier Villafañe and under the supervision of the latter. They then created Titirijugando, a show they performed in many Latin American countries and the United States, followed by Momotíteres.

In 1976, Carlos Martínez moved to Buenos Aires (Argentina) and worked on television programmes such Asomados y Escondidos (Appearing and Hidden) for Canal 10 in 1977-1978 and collaborated with the magazine, Billiken.

The company writes and directs most of its shows, which include: El molinete (The Whirligig, 1982), Con esta lluvia (With This Rain, 1984), Historias del espejo (Stories from the Mirror/Mirror Stories, 1986), and ¿Quien mató al titiritero? (Who Killed the Puppeteer?), a play for adults.

Taller de Títeres Triángulo uses mostly hand puppets and glove puppets. The workshop provides courses for beginners and professionals alike.

(See Argentina.)