Peruvian puppet company founded in 1986 in Lima by Ines (Inés) Pasic and Hugo Suárez. This company is characterized by its search for hidden characters existing within the body of the performer. Thus, the puppeteers transform their own bodies – hands, nose, knees, etc. – into characters that express themselves through a theatrical language without words, but solely with actions, emotions and feelings, using symbols and visual metaphors.

Their shows include Cuentos Pequeños (Short Stories), one of their most recent creations, a fusion of mime and puppetry.

Teatro Hugo & Ines has performed at many festivals in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, including, to name only a sample, festivals in Italy (XIII Festivale Intenazionale Teatro Ragazzi, Muggia, 1990), Germany (TRAUMTANZER Variete, Kassel, 1995, 2003), Poland (XIV International Puppet Theater Festival, Bielsko-Biała, 1990), France (Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes, Charleville-Mézières, 1991; 10eme Festival Cacophonies pour Jeunes Publics, Le Mans, 1995), Denmark (Dukketheater Festival, Silkeborg, 1999), Great Britain (London Mime Festival, 1992), Ireland (Dublin Festival, 2005), the United States (International Puppet Festival of New York, 1998; UCLA Theater Fest, Los Angeles, 2002), Canada (Festival Maniganses, Jonquière, Quebec, 2006; Alberta International Children’s Festival, 2009), Argentina (Festival Nacional de Títeres, Buenos Aires, 1997), Brazil (IV Intercambio de Linguagens, Rio de Janeiro), Mexico (Festival Internacional TITERIAS, Mexico City, 2006), Peru (Festival Internacional de Teatro de Titeres, Lima, 2001, 2003), Japan (Kodomo 2002 Tour, Tokyo, 2002), Singapore (International Festival for Children, 2005), and festivals in Spain, including Titirimundi, Festival International de Títeres, Segovia (1990, 1991, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002).

(See Peru.)