Uruguyuan puppet theatre founded in Montevideo in 1973. Ausonia Conde and Javier Peraza are the two principal puppeteers of the company, with the occasional collaboration of actor-puppeteers Primavera Peraza and Javier Peraza and technician Gilda Rojas. Títeres de Cachiporra is one of the professional companies in Uruguay. It combines all the techniques, the scenic and plastic arts, building a fictional world where the visual, space, form, colour, voice and performance together produce a clever and dynamic dramaturgy.

Ausonia Conde trained at the Escuela Municipal de Arte Dramático (Municipal School of Dramatic Art); the special expertise of Javier Peraza, illustrator, set designer, painter and ceramist, is creating characters. Together they produce shows for children and adults: Tragicomedia de Don Cristóbal (1977), based on the play by Federico Garcia Lorca; Fuenteovejuna (1985) by Lope de Vega; La princesa Clarisa (1985) by Rolando Speranza; El propietario (The Owner) and three short works by Roberto Espina (1987); Ubu rey (1993), an adaptation of Ubu roi by Alfred Jarry; El Principito (The Little Prince, 1996) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1996).

Títeres de Cachiporra has toured Uruguay and performed at international festivals in Argentina, Brazil, Canada and the United States.

Javier Peraza is one of the founders of the Asociación de Titiriteros de Uruguay (ATU, Puppet Association of Uruguay), formed in 1986.

(See Uruguay.)