Thieri Foulc
Thieri Foulc has contributed:
To the English version of the encyclopaedia (5 articles)
To the Spanish version of the encyclopaedia (5 articles)
To the French version of the encyclopaedia (5 articles)
English version
Jehan de Grise (Written by)
Paul Ranson (Written by)
Eugenios Spatharis (Written by)
André Tahon (Written by)
Le Père Ubu (Written by)
French version
Jehan de Grise (Written by)
Marionnette (Written by)
Paul Ranson (Written by)
André Tahon (Written by)
Le Père Ubu (Written by)
Spanish version
Jehan de Grise (Written by)
Paul Ranson (Written by)
Eugenios Spatharis (Written by)
André Tahon (Written by)
Padre Ubu (Written by)