Romanian producer, stage director and teacher. Georgeta Nicolau worked at the Puppet Theatre in Constanța (see Teatrul pentru copii și tineret Constanța, Constanța Theatre for Children and Youth) from 1956 to 1988. She was renowned for her manipulation techniques, interpretation, and the range of her voice in Motanul incălțat (Puss in Boots, 1957); Băiatul și vântul (The Boy and the Wind, 1966), directed by Margareta Niculescu; Călina Făt-Frumos (Călina Prince Charming, 1978), directed by Silviu Purcărete; O poveste oarecare (An Ordinary Tale) and Povestea Porcului (The Pig Story, 1979), both directed by Irina Niculescu; Lecție de zbor pentru puiul de cocor (The Crane’s Flying Lesson, 1979), Metamorfoze (Metamorphoses, 1981), and Inimă Rece (Cold Heart, 1982), all three productions directed by Cristian Pepino.
Georgeta Nicolau developed characters for the puppet theatres in Consțanta and in Craiova (see Teatrul pentru copii și tineret Colibri, Colibri Theatre for Children and Youth), and also for the first recital of Aneta Forna-Christu. She directed and designed the sets for the production Anul care vine (Next Year), for which she received an award in 1972.
Georgeta Nicolau taught puppetry classes at a centre for ongoing training in Bucharest.
(See Romania.)