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Belgium aire-geographique

The Kingdom of Belgium (Dutch: Koninkrijk België; French: Royaume de Belgique; German: Königreich Belgien) is a federal monarchy in the heart of Western Europe

Museum Bellerive organisation

Swiss museum established in 1968. Located on the shores of Lake Zurich, it is housed in a villa built in 1931 that had once belonged to Julius Bloch

Belorusskyi Gosudarstvennyi Teatr Kukol organisation

Belarusian puppet theatre. The first puppet theatre established in Belarus (formerly Belorussia), it opened with the name of the State Puppet Theatre of BSSR in 1938 in Gomel with the production of Po Shtchuchyemu Velen’yu (Wave of the Wind) by Elizabeth Tarahovskoya

David Ben Shalom personne

Israeli puppeteer. David Ben Shalom (born Jan Baeck and better known as Honzo) emigrated from Czechoslovakia when he was 22 to Palestine in 1934

Benin aire-geographique

The Republic of Benin (French: République du Bénin, formerly Dahomey) is a sub-Sahara nation in Africa whose population is primarily agricultural and follows Animism

Benir putul technique

Traditional glove puppet theatre from West Bengal in north-east India. In the south of West Bengal, glove puppets carry the curious name of “merchants’ puppets” (benir or bener putul)

Geo Berechet personne

Romanian director. Geo Berechet graduated from IACT (Institutul de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică Institute of Theatre Arts and Cinematography) in Bucharest. He directed several productions for actors’ theatre and puppet theatre

Liviu Berehoi personne

Romanian puppeteer. An inventive performer with an exceptional technical ability, known especially for his talent in the art of string puppetry, Liviu Berehoi began his career in 1974 at Ţăndărică Puppet Theatre (today

Edgar Bergen personne

American ventriloquist. Edgar Bergen was born Edgar John Berggren in Chicago to parents of Swedish descent. Like many budding entertainers of his day, he taught himself his craft as a young child through diligent practise and performances at local neighbourhood functions

Mané Bernardo personne

Argentine puppeteer and teacher. After studying art and spending time in Europe and the United States, Mané Bernardo discovered puppet theatre in the 1930s and contributed to the development of independent theatre in Argentina with La Cortina (The Curtain)

Giovanni Bertelli personne

Italian puppeteer. Born into a family of performers and adopted by Massimo, the “Romanino” that Francis Saverio Quadrio evoked in his Storia e ragione di ogni poesia (History and Reason of All Poetry

Alexandre Bertrand personne

French puppet maker and theatrical producer. Alexandre Bertrand was at first a sculptor and gilder, then a puppet maker for his brother Jean. Later, he built puppets for puppeteers at the Saint-Laurent Fair

Białystok Puppet Theatre organisation

Polish puppet theatre founded in Bialystok (Białystok) in 1953 (under the name of Świerszcz Cricket until 1976) by a group of active amateurs since 1944

Theatre Academy of Białystok organisation

Polish university level puppet theatre school created in 1975 to continue the work of the Actors’ Studio for the Puppet Theatre (Studium Aktorskie Teatru Lalek) that previously worked with the Białostocki Teatr Lalek (BTL

Bibliothèque Nationale de France organisation

French institution comprising a Performing Arts Department (département des Arts du spectacle) established in 1976. This department was created from collections assembled since 1925 by Auguste Rondel – passionate collector of the history of entertainment and its paraphernalia – who amassed hundreds of thousands of documents

Nicolas Bienfait personne

French puppeteer and theatrical producer. Son-in-law and successor of Alexandre Bertrand who had hired him for his troupe and whose daughter, Anne, Bienfait married

Biggar Puppet Theatre organisation

Scottish puppet theatre in Biggar, Lanarkshire, founded by Ian and Jill Purves, who ran the Purves Puppets from 1970, at first a touring company, then from 1987 housed in a permanent building

Bille family personne

German family of marionettists considered the oldest still active in Germany today. Its members have been string puppet performers for six to eight generations

Black Theatre thematique

A theatrical technique that allows the puppeteer to make certain objects and characters or puppets appear before the public whilst at the same time hiding others and themselves

Olive Blackham personne

British puppeteer. Olive Blackham was a bank employee when she suddenly threw herself into the world of experimental puppetry in 1932. She left her job and began to produce shows in a barn of Roel Farm (Cotswolds)

Géza Blattner personne

Hungarian puppeteer, painter/stage designer and director who worked mostly in France. Géza Blattner studied painting in Munich (Germany) with the Hungarian painter Simon Hollósy. He became involved with puppetry during World War I by collaborating on productions of the Budapest City Theatre

Blind Summit Theatre organisation

British company founded in 1997 by Nick Barnes and Mark Down, with the aim of making innovatory work for adult audiences. In tandem with a portfolio of their own productions

Cenk Blonk personne

Indonesian puppet master (dalang) of Balinese wayang kulit (shadow theatre)

John Michael Blundall personne

British puppeteer, craftsman, fine artist, scenographer, teacher and collector. John Blundall began his career in the circus. In 1976 he founded a company Festival Marionettes

Błękitny Pajac organisation

Polish puppet theatre company. Błękitny Pajac (Blue Clown) was founded in 1938 in Poznan (Poznań) by members of the first Polish association of puppeteers, the Wielkopolska Rodzina Marionetkarzy (The Community of Puppeteers of the Region Great Poland)

Bóbita Bábszínház organisation

Hungarian puppet theatre founded in 1961 in Pécs. Bóbita Bábszínház became a professional theatre in 1981 under the direction of Lajos Kós (1924-2008). The company constituted the puppetry division of the National Theatre of Pécs until January 2004

Christoph Bochdansky personne

Austrian puppeteer. Christoph Bochdansky trained in stage design (scenography) at the Mozarteum in Salzburg in the Department of Theatre Studies at the University of Vienna

Carlo Böcklin personne

German painter, architect and graphic designer. In German-speaking countries, Carlo Böcklin owes his reputation for the most part to making copies of the works of his father

Body Puppet thematique

A type of puppet that demands different techniques of animation based on the body of the puppeteer.

These puppets could be defined by default

Body Shadows thematique

A technique used in shadow theatre where the showman’s entire body interacts with the lighting (it is separate from shadowgraphy or ombromanie (hand shadows)

Henk Boerwinkel personne

Dutch puppeteer. Henk Boerwinkel studied graphic arts and illustration at the College of Arts in Amsterdam. At the age of eighteen, he built his first string puppets

Igor Bojović personne

Serbian playwright. After graduating from the Department of Dramaturgy of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts at the University of Belgrade (1995) and the International School for Playwrights of the Royal Court Theatre in London (International Playwrights Group

Bolivia aire-geographique

Multiethnic Bolivia, officially known as the Plurinational State of Bolivia (Spanish: Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia; Quechua: Buliwa, Buliwya Mamallaqta; Aymara: Wuliwya, Wuliwya Suyu; Guarani: Volívia

Bolshoi Teatr Kukol organisation

Russian puppet theatre based in Saint Petersburg. The official date of its founding is May 16, 1931, the date on which was staged the show Inkubator (The Incubator)

Bonecos de Santo Aleixo technique

Traditional puppets from the region of Alentejo in southern Portugal, possibly from the village which gave them its name. The performance takes place on a small wooden stage (retábulo) whose entrance is held open by a double curtain of stretched vertical strings designed to hide the view of the rods holding up the marionettes and to protect them from the public’s possible reactions

Booth thematique

A booth is a relatively temporary structure erected for a purpose. It is cognate with the English word “abode”. In a theatrical sense it generally means a temporary structure in which performances can take place

Hermilo Borba Filho personne

Brazilian novelist, playwright, director, professor and researcher. Interested in theatre from a young age, in 1945 Hermilo Borba de Carvalho Filho founded with his colleague at the Law Faculty

Irina Borowski personne

Romanian graphic artist and designer. Irina Borowski worked for Romanian television. The modern and minimalistic style of Irina Borowski became known through her work, notably at the Ciufulici Puppet Theatre (see Teatrul de animaţie Ciufulici Ciufulici Theatre of Animation) of Ploiești in the following productions: Snoave cu măști (Anecdotes with Masks

Feike Boschma personne

Dutch puppeteer. Born in the province of Friesland, Feike Boschma began his career as a puppeteer in the western part of the Netherlands with the show The Stork and the Fox

Bosnia and Herzegovina aire-geographique

Located in south-eastern Europe in the Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian: Bosna i Hercegovina; Cyrillic script: Боснa и Херцеговина) has Sarajevo as its capital

Maurice Bouchor personne

French poet and writer. A close friend of Jean Richepin and Raoul Ponchon, with whom he founded the poetic group, Les Vivants (The Living), Maurice Bouchor actively participated in the creation of the Petit Théâtre de la Galerie Vivienne

Zlatko Bourek personne

Croatian creator of puppets, puppet theatre and film director, scenographer and costume designer, painter, sculptor and graphic artist. Zlatko Bourek completed his studies of sculpture at Likovna akademija (Academy of Arts) in Zagreb in 1955

Richard Bradshaw personne

Australian puppeteer. Richard Bradshaw gained his first experience from 1952 using glove puppets and string puppets (marionettes) at Clovelly Puppet Theatre

Ioan Brancu personne

Romanian puppeteer and mime artist. Ioan Brancu graduated in 1994 from the Academia de Teatru și Film, Catedra de teatru de papuși (Academy of Theatre and Film

Paul Brann personne

German puppeteer. Under the influence of the Munich Jugendstil (Art Nouveau), Paul Brann founded, in 1906, the Marionettentheater Münchner Künstler (Marionette Theatre of Munich Artists)

Compañía de Teatro para Niños Bravo organisation

Guatemalan puppet company. Founded in 1992 in Guatemala City by actress and playwright Ana María Bravo, this children’s theatre company performs in the neighbourhoods of Guatemala City and other regions of the country

Brazil aire-geographique

Officially the Federative Republic of Brazil (Portuguese: República Federativa do Brasil), this South American nation is the largest, geographically, in the region of Latin America and the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world

Bread and Puppet Theater organisation

American theater company using puppets of all sizes for the creation of political theatre, founded in 1963 by Peter Schumann. Bread and Puppet Theater was first based on the Lower East Side of New York

Constantin Brehnescu personne

Romanian puppeteer, director, and teacher. Constantin Brehnescu was a student of director Manole Foca, founder, in 1949, of the puppet theatre in the city of Iaşi

Teatro delle Briciole organisation

Italian puppet company founded in 1976 in Reggio Emilia by Maurizio Bercini, Letizia Quintavalla and Otello Sarzi.

The Teatro delle Briciole appeared in a region that had a centuries-old tradition of puppets